Those who love good posture love NeoFly

Customized for your body and lifestyle

Seat Width and Seat Depth
Footrest Height, Angle and Fore-Aft
Backrest Height, Angle and Sling Tightness
Armrest Height and Support Type
Multiple lifestyle cushion types
Tyres and many more...

When you book a NeoFly, a professional therapist takes your measurement to customise 18+ aspects of your wheelchair.

Introducing the most comfortable wheelchair

Engineered for comfort, health, and easy mobility in everyday life

Ultra Comfortable Cushion

Contours improve circulation, reduce pressure sores, and are easy to remove and clean.

Smooth Propulsion

NeoFly is 3x easier to propel than any other generic wheelchair

Compact Design

Lets you access small doors, lifts, bathrooms easily


The rear anti-tippers, cloth guards, calf straps make rides safe and joyful

Complete independence
looks like this

Easy Transfers

Swing away & removable arm-rest
• Swing away cloth guard
• Rigid or Flip-Up Footrest


• Portable inside AutoRickshaw
• Portable inside Car
• Portable inside Train


• Rigid frame for smooth propulsion
• Rear Removable Anti Tipper
• Wheel Locks / Brakes
• Seat Belt

Full Product Brochure

The mobility system you can rely on

We identify your need
We customise and build for you
We provide service and quality you can rely on

Can’t decide which one is the right solution for you?

People are going out every day!

18000+ people have chosen NeoMotion to lead an active life
Niranjan Jadhav

With NeoMotion, no more Uber / Ola hassles. I can go anywhere myself, with confidence. I feel great!

Prestha Hooda

In my earlier wheelchair, my back would hurt. I could not sit for long hours NeoMotion is just amazing!


At first I thought  going out in Neomotion wheelchairs is not for me. But after using these, I  can go out and do anything - as simple as buy


Being part of the  Neomotion Community has instilled in me the confidence to pursue higher  education and employment